
Welcome to the Millennial Business Solutions Network. A place to discuss business management for today's professional. This isn't your Grandpa's business solutions! Our mission is to showcase the professional talents of Millennials in the workforce while offering guidance and inspiration for those just starting out.

We are a community of business professionals that happen to fall within the Millennial Generation. With the oldest of the Millennial Generation settling into their careers, there's a new set, fresh out of school ready to embark on their own professional journey.

Ever wonder why your parents' advice sounds solid but it doesn't seem to work for you or your situation?

Our generation spans the widest range of technological advancements ever seen in the corporate world. Those of us in our mid-thirties remember dial-up internet while the youngest of us have never even heard a dial-tone. While businesses have been trying to maintain the way business has always been run throughout these technological disruptions, the corporate hierarchy is becoming more and more difficult to manage effectively and efficiently as technology continues to grow and change at an exponential rate. This isn't your grandpa's business world. This isn't even your parent's business world. No wonder their advice doesn't always pan out for you.

Our generation has so much to offer in this environment but we also have a lot to learn. It is up to us to help each other navigate our way through the current system and even influence change within our organizations. We want to build a diverse community showcasing our individual ideas, experiences, and skillsets as well as offer lessons learned and guidance for those just starting out. We also want to use our unique and valuable perspective to foster collaboration on how to maintain scalable business structures capable of withstanding the widespread impact of technological advancements.

Don't forget to subscribe to this blog for updates on new topics.

If you wish to become a contributor, please send an email to elizabeth@facemarkvo.com. Be sure to include your name, your area of expertise, the topic(s) you wish to discuss and any other information you wish to share.

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